Book Review: ArcheoSocial, eds. A. Falcone & A. D’Eredità

(by Paola di Giuseppantonio Di Franco) ArcheoSocial. L’archeologia riscrive il web: esperienze, strategie e buone pratiche, A cura di Antonia Falcone & Astrid D’Eredità, DiElle Editore 2018 La sintesi di questo volume è sapientemente offerta nel titolo: AcheoSocial è una contrazione di ‘Archeologia Sociale’, un’archeologia che sappia parlare di sé, attraverso gli strumenti della comunicazione
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From war material culture to popular heritage, and beyond

(by Jesús García Sánchez) From War Material Culture to Popular Heritage, and Beyond. The “PSP – Cancelli di Venosa” as Paradigms of Object Biography Theory Using object biography and Behavioral Archaeology as main theoretical frameworks this paper will examine how the pierced steel planks (PSP), also called Marston mat, become cancelli di Venosa (Venosa’s doors)
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Exploring Immigrant Identities (17th Century Amsterdam)

(by Marijn Stolk) Exploring Immigrant Identities: The Link between Portuguese Ceramics and Sephardic Immigrants in 17th Century Amsterdam During urban expansions around 1600 a new neighborhood, Vlooienburg, was created in the rapidly growing city of Amsterdam. This new district was not just inhabited by local people, but also by immigrants coming from different European countries.
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A Road to Fīrūzābād

(by Domiziana Rossi) A Road to Fīrūzābād A serpentine path created by the river Tang-āb through the Zagros Mountains has always been the only access from north to the city of Ardašīr-Xwarrah, located at five kilometers west from the modern Fīrūzābād, in Iran. This inaccessibility prompted the king of Fārs Ardašīr to found his stronghold
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The Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire

(by Maria Álvarez-Folgado) The Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire. Diaspora, Social Agents and Social Networks: Towards the Creation of a New Analytical Toolkit During the Hellenistic and Roman period, Jewish communities spread over a wide geographical area spanning from Italy to Babylon, and in all the areas under the influence of Rome. Traces of
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Variation in Material Culture (Sicily, 8th BCE)

(by Anna Raudino) Variation in Material Culture: Adoption of Greek Ceramics in an Indigenous Sicilian Site (8th century BCE) The archaeological study of social boundaries through the examination of the material culture reflects the intent to better understand the interaction established between two different cultures. This paper, as part of my PhD study, identifies and
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Greek Migrations along the Ionian Coast

(by Maurizio Crudo) Greek Migrations along the Ionian Coast (Southern Italy) In the previous century, ancient migration was explained on the basis of the occurrence and quantities of imported archaeological artefacts, and with interpretations made in alignment with the ancient written sources. This was so too with the Greek migration into Southern Italy, often referred
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Mobility during the Upper Palaeolithic in Greece

(by Paraskevi Elefanti & Gilbert Marshall) Mobility during the Upper Palaeolithic in Greece: Some Suggestions for the Argolid Peninsula The mobile hunting and gathering way of life has persisted for over 95% of human history. As ethnographic studies of recent societies have highlighted, mobility was key to the exploitation of the natural environment, while at
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Human Mobility in Archaeology: Editorial

(by Maja Gori, Martina Revello Lami, Alessandro Pintucci) Editorial: Practices Representations and Meanings of Human Mobility in Archaeology It has been abundantly demonstrated that theories and paradigms in the humanities are influenced by historical, economic and socio-cultural conditions, which have profoundly influenced archaeology’s representation of migration. This was mostly conceived as the study of the
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Human Mobility in Archaeology

Practices, Representations and Meanings Volume 3, 2018 Edited by M. Gori, A. Pintucci & M. Revello Lami It has been abundantly demonstrated that theories and paradigms in the humanities are influenced by historical, economic and socio-cultural conditions, which have profoundly influenced archaeology’s representation of migration. This was mostly conceived as the study of the movement
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