Current Issue

EX NOVO Vol. 6 (2021)

Making Archaeology Public. A View from the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Beyond

The concept of Public Archaeology has profoundly changed since Mc Gimsey’s first formulation in the early 1970s, as it developed a solid conceptual and practical framework along the years that makes it now an independent branch of archaeology. However, in English-speaking and Northern European countries, the perception of archaeology as a common good was widely spread even before the actual formalization of Public Archaeology as a specific curriculum offered by several universities. Not surprisingly, such an earlier interest led to the development of a markedly Central and Northern European perspective on the topic, which keeps steering much of the current reflection on Public Archaeology despite the emergence of multiple and alternative standpoints on the matter, further deepening the “Great Divide” between the archaeologies of Northern and Southern European countries.

The sixth issue of Ex Novo explores how “peripheral” regions currently approach both the practice and theory of public archaeology placing particular emphasis on Eastern and Southern Europe, extending the analysis to the whole Mediterranean area including experiences matured in other regions than those mentioned above – yet equally underrepresented in the discourse about public archaeology. The second part of this volume, though not directly connected to this year main theme, extends the reflection on the great North-South divide by bringing in different topics about European funding to research, media&communication, identity and gender. A series of interviews realised during the Italian Confederation of Archaeologists (CIA) annual meeting concludes the richest issue of Ex Novo published so far …. enjoy the reading!

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Ex Novo EDITORIAL BOARD – Foreword

PART I – Making Archaeology Public. A View from the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Beyond

Jaime ALMANSA SÁNCHEZ – Paper, perception and… facts? Exploring archaeological heritage management in the Mediterranean and the weight of public archaeology

Nicoló DONATI, Elisa GUSBERTI, Tommaso MAGLIARO & Alessandra RIVA – The Confederazione Italiana Archeologi (CIA) social media projects during the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy: changing the digital communication approach to the online community

Anastasia SAKELLARIADI – Public Archaeology in Greece: A Review of the Current State of the Field

Paraskevi ELEFANTI – The unfamiliar past: The outreach of Palaeolithic archaeology in Greek archaeological museums 

Carlos MONTALVO, Andres MOSQUERA, Eric DYRDAHL, Valeria RIVERA, Santiago SOLINES, Maria Gracia RIOFRIO & Gabriela GRANJA – Quito’s archaeological heritage protection: The “Delimitación de Áreas Arqueológicas del Bloque Quito” project as a case of study

WANG Bo-Chiao 王柏喬, CHUNG Kuo-Feng 鍾國風 & Nicolas ZORZIN – An Attempt in Shifting Commodified Archaeological Practices in Taiwan through Community Engagement

PART II – Off Topic

Valeria ACCONCIA –Superare il g uado: riflessioni su archeologia, storia sociale e modelli di autorappresentazione delle comunità antiche e moderne

Giancarlo LAGO & Andrea DI RENZONI – Il Milione. The first 14 years of ERC funding to human past studies (SH6): an Italian perspective


Manuel GAGO MARIÑO & Jesús GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ – The Iron Age looks at Rome for the first time in audiovisuals: fiction, cultural imaginary and historical reality in Barbarians and Britannia

Marie USADEL & Francesco CORGIOLU – Der Brückenbauer. Intervista con Dario Siddi

Flaminia BARTOLINI – Rethinking places of trauma: an interview with Silvia Costa, Government Commissioner for the preservation and re-purposing of the ex-prison complex on the island of Santo Stefano

Martina REVELLO LAMI – Disegnare per osservare, capire, raccontare. Conversazione con Agostino Sotgia.

Interviews CIA 2021 Annual Meeting

A Conversation with:



Cornelius HOLTORF