Ex Novo vol. 7 (2022) IS CALLING!!

We invite contributions that engage with contemporary perspectives on antiquity linking the past to the present and cross traditional scholarly boundaries. In addition, we welcome papers that explore the multifaceted relationship between archaeological practice and the role of the past in current society by bringing to the fore current theoretical, political and heritage issues connected to the discipline.

Papers may span from prehistory to modern period and address the following topics: politics and archaeology; public archaeology; the legacies of colonialism and nationalism within the discipline; the articulation between local and global archaeological traditions; the discipline’s involvement in memory and identity; museum studies and restitution issues.

Perspective authors may submit their articles via the link below, where also the journal’s guidelines are available. To be inserted in the next issue, papers should be submitted by the 30 of July. For inquiries do not hesitate to contact our Editorial Board.

Click below to submit your paper:

