Submitting a Paper

Publication Timeline

The approximate submission-to-publication schedule for Ex Novo Journal of Archaeology content is 10 to 12 months. Manuscripts submitted to Ex Novo will be held for review by the Editorial Panel. In order to speed up the process, we highly recommend to send a pre-submission inquiry at, including a title and an abstract of max 250 words. Once the first complete draft is submitted, it will undergo a double blind peer review process and – upon acceptance – will be inserted in the forthcoming issue. The earliest publication date will be December of the year of the first submission.

Submission Guidelines

To submit a paper please refer to the guidelines listed under the tab Author Information Pack. Manuscripts should be submitted through the Archaeopress editorial platform Open Journal System.

Click here to submit your paper!

All files must be uploaded as digital documents (ideally as ‘word.doc/docx’ in A4 format). The text file should contain the following information (in the following order):

  • Title of contribution
  • Author(s) full name (with footnote providing affiliation and email address)
  • Abstract (180 words)
  • Five keywords
  • Main text (including headings, subheadings and footnotes)
  • References
  • A separate list of illustration/table captions and credits (if applicable)

Authors should make every effort to maintain anonymity in the text and should not include any information in headers or footers in the Word files or image files.

Non-native English-language speakers are strongly advised to have their manuscripts read and edited by a native English speaker prior to submission. A manuscript will not be considered for review if it does not conform to the above instructions.