
La Torre @ Daniele Simoni 2020

(by Martina Revello Lami) Martina Revello Lami’s conversation with the author of the front and back cover closes the 2020 issue. It is now an established tradition for Ex Novo to host great artworks, but this year we launched an open call to select original creations inspired to the theme of the volume. The visionary
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Costruire storie e raccontare produzioni.  Riflessioni a partire da un libro recente

(by Enrico Giannichedda) Prendendo le mosse dalle recenti acquisizioni dell’archeologia cognitiva, Michele Cometa, uno specialista di storia e teoria della letteratura, affronta in un corposo volume una questione fondamentale: la relazione fra produzione di utensili (i cicli produttivi), evoluzione del linguaggio, sviluppo di capacità narrative finalizzate a raccontare ‘storie’ utili. Una questione che, a mio
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(by Aydin Abar) This paper explores the ways in which the materiality of the Achaemenian Empire was incorporated into the narratives of different polities and political groups on the Iranian Highlands. These approaches, which have continued into the present day, have marked these sites as objects of appropriation, imposition, resistance and negotiation by various actors
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(by Marzia Luppi & Francesca Schintu) The historic site of Fossoli Camp is a unique stone witness which still bears the marks left by the central years of the twentieth century. During the Second World War it was a national camp for racial and political deportees, but its story extends to the 1970s when it
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(by Dagmar Zadrazilova) Tempelhof Airport in Berlin mirrors the political, social and cultural developments in the capital and – broadly – in the whole country. Tempelhof has witnessed the heyday of the 1920s aviation, figured in the National Socialists’ power politics and acquired a reputable status in the course of the 1948/49 Berlin Airlift. During
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(by Alexander Schmidt) The former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg reflect politics and public debates in Germany between suppression, non-observance and direct reference to the National Socialist Past since 1945. Within this debate, various ways of dealing with the architectural heritage of the National Socialism exist. Those approaches are often contradictory. Since 1945 (and
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(by Davide Brugnatti & Giuseppe Muroni) In the last 30 years, the town of Tresigallo has to come to terms with the legacy of its dissonant heritage. The rediscovery of its history happened gradually. It began in 1985 with the organization of conferences that encouraged a public debate about its founder Edmondo Rossoni, a minister
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(by Flaminia Bartolini) The year 2015 marked the seventy-fifth anniversary of the end of World War II, a commemoration that prompted Italy to reconsider the complexity of the Fascist phenomenon and how the artistic creations and urbanism of the regime contributed to shaping city landscapes across the country. Fascist material legacies are an unequivocal presence
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(by Susanna Arangio) Heritage Studies has dealt with Italian Fascism in different ways but paying little attention to the movable items linked to the regime, such as paintings, sculptures and memorabilia. Over the last decade, private collections linked to the Mussolini iconography have emerged, owing to a renewed social acceptance of it and more items
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Bartolini Intro

(by Flaminia Bartolini) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, along with other twentieth-century authoritarian regimes, have often attempted to create consensus through propagandistic reinterpretations of the classical past. As recent scholarship has shown, the Fascist appropriation of romanità and Nazi philhellenism were not only conditioned by earlier cultural conceptions but were also a key political tool in motivating
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